This kindergarten is located in the Town of Malpaso in Arriaga, Chiapas. The name of the kindergarten is "Jose Maria Pino Suarez".
This school has only one teacher and one classroom with 17 students. Whenever the teacher needed to do any work on the computer she would have to drive into the city and pay to use a computer with internet at a cybercafé. We sponsored internet and a computer for the teacher to use for her classroom.
It was our pleasure to provide ice cream for the “Posada” at the Kindergarten on 12/11/23. The ice cream was hand made and the vendor showed up with a variety of flavors for the children. The word “Posada” means inn or lodging, and traditionally posadas are a celebration of the Christmas story. Posadas in Mexico feature hot food, drinks, sweets, music, and piñatas.
On February 23rd, 2024 we delivered backpacks and a projector for the Kindergarten. The kindergarten threw us a welcoming party and the students made us thank you letters.
Our director explains to the teacher that the dinosaur backpack was going to the student who has disabilities as he has the need to be going to therapy a lot and needs a bigger backpack than the rest.
The students were excited to have a projector for their class. A projector has helped us encourage visual learners.The projector also helps the school feature movie nights to fundraise for school supplies as well.