This elementary school is located in the colony of Malpaso in Arriaga, Chiapas. The name of the school is Escuela Primaria "Jose Maria Morelos Y Pavon." It has only one teacher and one classroom with 28 students ranging from 1st to 6th grade. The teacher previously had to drive into the city and pay to use a computer with internet at a cybercafé. We sponsored fiber optic internet and provided a computer for the teacher to use in the classroom.
It was our pleasure to provide handmade ice cream for the “Posada” at the elementary school on December 13, 2023. The vendor brought a variety of flavors for the children. “Posada” means inn or lodging, and traditionally, posadas are a celebration of the Christmas story in Mexico, featuring hot food, drinks, sweets, music, and piñatas.
On February 24, 2024, we delivered backpacks and a projector to the elementary school. The school held a welcoming party, and the students made thank-you letters. The students were excited to have a projector for their class, which has helped encourage visual learners.
Some of the students had to carry their books by hand because they didn't have backpacks. We provided a backpack for each student at the school.