We set up a Children's center in the town of Mal Paso in Arriaga, Chiapas, for students to come after school to do homework and learn technical skills at no charge.
We founded this recreation center to provide children with a safe place to hang out after school and just be kids. Thanks to the donated recycled computers, we offer free technology classes at the center. Solidarity from the state of Washington to Chiapas.
The children made a thank-you poster for us, expressing their gratitude for setting up the center.
With tremendous community support we were able to establish a second Children Center. It is located in a church community room in Arriaga, Chiapas.
Our Director delivered the computers on Sunday 07/20/24.
We thank you all who supported our Gala & Regalia Dinner Fundraiser that made it possible for us to ship 17 refurbished computers to Chiapas, Mexico.